
Monday, June 14, 2010

What is Starting from Scratch?

This blog starts out as my personal journey. My sincere wish, is that what is discussed here will be of benefit to you, will help you be more successful at what you do, and that you enjoy doing what you do - more than you do now! I ask only that you pass along to others anything of value you receive here. We will be talking about building a business through our passion , enjoying the process, and making our life meaningful.

Suppose you made a lot of money what would you do? Depends on how much money right? Lets say enough money so that you could go on sabbatical for five years. What would you do during those five years and what would you plan to do after the five year sabbatical was over?

Suppose you moved to another part of the country and didn't really know anyone. Suppose you hadn't played golf for 42 years; but decided that at the end of the day you had a secret passion to be a golfer. Would you take a few lessons, practice like crazy, and then have the courage to join a foursome of seasoned golfers and not feel self conscious? Well that's what I did!

It is my belief that what I learned on my sabbatical will give me complete confidence and to succeed in becoming a better than average golfer, to actually become a really good golfer! And more over, really good at all I do. I learned that I can create the reality I want. I cannot control events, but I can develop a flexible mind that can be trained to handle any challenges. By following this blog, I hope anyone can develop positive perspectives and techniques to better deal with life's challenges and create a balance between career and home life.

Last August my wife and business partner Sue, and I began the preliminary planning to start a consulting business from scratch. Starting a business from scratch means having no connections to fall back on whether financial or family. Starting from scratch means believing in yourself and developing a confidence that what ever comes your way is just another stepping stone towards success. My goal is to totally disappear the wall between work and play. Gone will be "living" for the weekend and dreading Monday morning.

Sue and I have been creating the causes for building wealth during these last five years and specifically dedicating ourselves for this endeavor since last August. Our New Business, ISL Financial Advisors and New Website Launch are set for July 5, 2010!

We will be using financial tools and skills we had learned in over 25 years in advising small to medium size businesses in our CPA practice in New York. We will be sharing all that we learned from our five years of study in eastern philosophy and meditation to help develop a balanced life. We will be putting into practice our discoveries.

Prior to moving to Southwest Florida, Sue and I received over 150 hours of specialized training in self actualization, building self-esteem, and overcoming obstacles that are preventing success. Recently Sue and I have begun training in Social Media and Social Media Marketing for businesses and entrepreneurs. We are looking forward to impacting our communities in a positive way from our previous and continued on-going training.

We know that it is entirely possible to take an under-performing business and re-structure it to become a vehicle to achieve personal goals and dreams. We know this training works because we did it. We transformed our traditional CPA practice into a unique financial consulting firm.

I believe one can have a successful business life and a happy and meaningful personal life. I will be putting myself on the line here, to show by example, there is a clear way achieve material success and enjoying doing it every step of the way! Developing another successful business from scratch will be quite challenging. What else should I do with the next 20 years of my life. Play golf? Yes, yes, and yes!

I invite you to join in and be part of the excitement and fun. We can work together and share our experiences. The secret to becoming successful and living a meaningful, balanced life is knowing where to look for the causes of problems and then knowing what to do to fix them. Though each person is unique with a consistent process of introspection, once challenges are uncovered you are then left with the opportunity to find unique solutions.

Your comments and questions are always welcomed are part of this whole process.

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